NEW B&W Darkroom Photography (All levels)

This course is ideal for complete beginners who have never developed or experienced a darkroom before as well as those students wanting to develop film and print images from traditional sources as well as playing and experimenting with light to create photograms cyanotypes, drawings and sketches made in to photographs and photograms.

What The Course is About:

You will be taught the basic skills of using a safe space darkroom and the safe use of chemicals to create a number of images. You will have demonstrations of how a darkroom operates and how enlargers and light techniques can create magical effects on photo paper looking at examples of the work of cutting-edge photographers specialising in light experiments.

Materials Required:

What to bring to the first session: Bring a range of textures and personal objects that are opaque and transparent as well as solid for silhouette to use in the darkroom. If you wish to develop and print from negatives there will be options to buy film and photographic paper. This may be time to hunt out your old film camera to use.

Previous Experience:

Suitable for complete beginners who have never used film or taken a photo before as well as seasoned professionals who want to develop and print old school photographs.

End of course:

What will I achieve? You will learn the basic principles of using light with enlargers and timings. Learn to use chemicals to develop stop and fix images to create and build a portfolio of photographic images

Info to follow

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