Summer School – 2 Days: Travel Photography

This course is designed for those who own a digital camera of any sort, and want to maximise your camera’s potential and learn the fundamental skills to improve your travel photography.

What The Course is About:

This course is designed for those who own a digital camera of any sort and want to maximise your camera’s potential and learn the fundamental skills to improve your travel photography. This will be done by demystifying some of the elements of photography and making the process as simple as possible. We will look at photographing people, urban landscapes, capturing beautiful light and much more. The course will include interactive lectures, critiques sessions of your pictures and looking at well-known photographers work in this field. There will be a substantial practical element with lively photo shoots in various locations in the city. We will also look at image postproduction using Adobe Photoshop. Expert knowledge and tips will be given from a professional photographer who has experience of travel photography.

Materials Required:

You‘ll need to have a digital camera, which could be a DSLR, bridge or mirror less camera. The quality of camera isn’t important.

Previous Experience:

All Levels

End of course:

By the end of the course you will have gained some of the necessary skills to create a more interesting and creative travel pictures.

Info to follow