Summer School – Experimental Etched Lino Printing

With the guidance of an experienced printmaker, you will develop a new approach to lino printing to advance your practice with backgrounds and effects that will develop your imagery.

What The Course is About:

This course will introduce you to the potential of etching your linocut designs to bring in advanced art marking with caustic soda and various resists The workshop begins with the basic techniques through planning your design, creating your linocut block or blocks and takes your through all the stages of working energy and gesture into your designs.

Materials Required:

Traditional hessian backed lino - grey or brown – to the size of the image to print, apron, gloves, wax candle any size. Brushes with nylon bristles (optional) and any other implements that you might wish to make marks with on the lino surface etc

Previous Experience:

Beginners and experienced artists welcome.

End of course:

What will I achieve? By the end of the sessions you will have enhanced knowledge and skills in linocut printmaking.

Info to follow