Summer School – Good Artists Copy Great Artists Steal: James McNeil Whistler

‘Take What You Need’ from exploring the atmospheric oil paintings of the River Thames by James McNeil Whistler

What The Course is About:

On the first day, through demonstration, ideas are presented about how the techniques of Whistler, his compositions, colour contrasts and layering techniques. You then select your own paintings to study.

On day 2 morning session, using charcoal you will search for compositions using atmospheric photos of The River Thames rooms as the starting point. In the afternoon the focus will be on creating small scale colour studies constructing layers of gesture paintings working with both your own intuitive feel for colour and any ideas identified during the first day’s analysis.

On Day 3, using the small studies of day two as a starting point you will attempt a larger scale atmospheric painting of the Thames River

The aim is ‘to take what you need’ Will, trying to articulate depth and subtle colours of Whistler help you improve your own work?

Materials Required:

What to bring to the first session: Bring to the first class any drawing and painting materials you possess i.e. acrylic paints, brushes, pencils etc. Paper and further items can be purchased from the school shop.

Previous Experience:

All Levels

End of course:

What will I achieve? The aim is ‘to take what you need’ from analysing James McNeil Whistler paintings to see if a better understanding can be an aid to improving the quality of your own paintings.

Info to follow

Starting July 2024

Class Code: 0724-12332

Price: £145.00

Location: On-Site

Tutor: Ian Ellis

From July 17th, 2024 to July 19th, 2024

Fri 10:00 - 16:00

  • 17 Jul 2024 - 10:00 to 16:00
  • 18 Jul 2024 - 10:00 to 16:00
  • 19 Jul 2024 - 10:00 to 16:00